Peter Gough 1947-2020

Canadian art lost a giant this week with the passing of Peter Gough. Peter was a man of many passions; his family, his art and the great outdoors. He is a man who will truly leave a legacy. His art is the obvious one. How wonderful that we will always have that. But I will remember a man who was tireless when it came to the causes he believed in. Just last week, he proudly updated me on "my artist laureate bill" now moving through the senate. It's devastating that he won't see it passed. Peter wasn't shy about contacting his wealthy and influential collectors if a cause needed a push. Many conservation, art and health charities have benefitted from his doggedness. Perhaps his greatest legacy is his family. He was immensely proud of the accomplishments of his children and if you had a minute (or an hour!) he would tell you all about them.
Rest in peace dear Peter. You will not be forgotten.

Comments on this post (5)
I worked with Peter at Bristol for a few years. I can still remember the day Peter walked into our office just before he made the full time dedication to painting. He had all his graphic design books, portfolio, and other advertising reference books. He asked if anyone wanted any of it before he put it in donation boxes. As Peter said that day, " I don’t want any connection back to the ad world". I have always admired that and Peter’s passion for painting. I will miss our conversations.
— mike whitelaw
I was a forest friend of Peter. We spent many days and nights experiencing the world that he revealed with his brush. Peter was an approachable artist and always had an interesting story to tell. We had great fun together. I will miss him dearly…good bye my friend and may your flight in ravens spirit be long and high.
— Peter Romkey
We own one of Peter and Brenda’s home and studio in St Margaret’s Bay, and they were neighbours for a time after we bought it. He would show up on occasion to see how we were doing with the place, and tell stories. We will miss him. RIP Peter.
— Alan Chilton
My gosh — I just opened a Christmas card from Peter and Brenda tonight. A truly talented Nova Scotian — what a loss.
— Kelly Regan
I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know ow Peter. He was an absolute angel on earth. His spirit and his heart were second to none. Thank you for the honor of knowing you Peter!
— Danielle worth