W. Scott Sinclair
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W. Scott Sinclair, Nova Scotia.
Watercolourist W. Scott Sinclair was born Halifax Nova Scotia. Scott has lived in Halifax since 1996 after moving back from Toronto. He graduated from Central St Martin’s School of Art and Design in London England in 1978. He currently teaches a drawing/design class part-time at NSCAD. Scott’s watercolours hang in private collections in Nova Scotia, England and Scotland.
“I started working seriously in watercolours in 2009 after recovering from major eye surgery. I had 9 weeks of recovery time often spending hours each day squinting and sketching waiting for my vision to return. Not to waste any time, I started painting as soon as possible -a way of celebrating the return of my sight
Basically I see myself as a non regional landscape watercolourist. I use a collective visual approach to image creation. Images are generated from many sources -my travels, my site sketches, my photos, my memories. A sense of place, light quality and weather often dominate my inspirations. Always drawn to strong motifs, I work to capture a moment that pulls the viewer into my experience."
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